Harms for Wisconsinites include heat-related illness, worsening chronic illnesses, injuries and deaths from dangerous weather events, infectious diseases spread by mosquitoes and ticks, illnesses from contaminated food and water, and mental health problems.
The health of anyone can be harmed by climate change, but some of us face greater risk than others. Children, athletes, pregnant women, the elderly, some communities of color, people with chronic illnesses and allergies, and the poor are more likely to be harmed.
Climate action, such as clean energy can also provide immediate health benefits for Wisconsin communities. 100% in-state clean energy production would prevent the following incidents of illness in Wisconsin each year: 1,910 premature deaths 650 respiratory ER visits 1,580 cases of acute bronchitis 49,400 respiratory symptom cases 873,000 minor restricted activity days 148,000 work loss days 34,400 cases of asthma exacerbation 670 hospital admissions 650 heart attacks. These avoided health damages cost us an estimated $21 billion annually.
Jonathan Patz, MD, MPH delivers a brief summary of the health harms of climate change for Wisconsin residents.